
杨画廊预告 | 一次别离_策展人:朱朱






开幕:2017.11.25 15:30

展期:2017.11.25 - 12.31

“一次别离”借自伊朗导演阿斯哈·法哈蒂(Asghar Farhadi)同名电影,在此意指一次与自我的别离。展览希望探讨的主题,是生命个体以创造性的虚构方式成为他人,摆脱自我的唯一面相与限定性,从“他者”的视角进行自我反观,同时也是关于情感、伦理、个体身份、社会空间、历史语境、文化交融、形而上信仰及艺术边界的再思考。

这并非一场从性别出发的探讨,“身份的流动性”(The fluidity of identity)或可以视为展览背后的理论支点,但相对于理论所界说的、在不同情境之中建构起来并运作的类型化身份,艺术家们更多地放大出类型化之间的差异性,经由经验的追问,重塑了自我认知与自我超越的可能。


朱朱,诗人、艺术策展人、艺术批评家。生于1969年9月。曾获第二届安高(Anne Kao)诗歌大奖,第三届中国当代艺术奖评论奖(CCAA)。著有诗集、散文集、艺术评论集多种,其中包括法文版诗集《青烟》(2004年,法文版,译者Chantal Chen—Andro),《灰色的狂欢节——2000年以来的中国当代艺术》(2013年广西师范大学出版社“理想国”书系,2016年台湾典藏出版)。英文版诗集《野长城》将由美国Phoneme Media出版社出版。

A Separation

Curator: Zhu Zhu

Artists: Chen Ke, Dong Jinling, Feng Lin, Hu Yinping, Liu Shiyuan, Liu Silin, Qin Jin, Shen Xin, Song Kun, Xie Qi, Yang Yuanyuan, Yao Qingmei, Zhou Jie,  Zhu Tian

Opening: 2017.11.25 15:30

Duration: 2017.11.25 - 12.31

The title of this exhibition, A Separation, is taken from a film directed by Asghar Farhadi。 Here it means a separation from self。 The exhibition studies the theme that one living individual becomes another in some creative and virtual way, so as to get out of the unique perspective and restrictions of oneself, and look back at that self with eyes of  “ the other”。 Meanwhile, it is also an effort to reflect on feeling, ethics, individual identity, social space, historical context, cultural blending, metaphysical belief, and the boundary of art。

This exploration is not grounded in gender。 One has reason to say that “the fluidity of identity” is the theoretical basis of the exhibition, but these artists have not been confined by the stereotypical identities given by theories and constructed in various circumstances。 Rather, more often than not they have emphasized the differences between stereotypes, and by stubbornly asking questions arising from their experiences, reconstructed the possibilities of self-cognition and self-transcendence。


Zhu Zhu, poet, art curator, art critic, was born in September 1969。 He won the Second Anne-Kao Poetry Prize and the third Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award (CCAA)。 He is the author of collection of poems, essays and art reviews, including Franch version poetry ‘Blue Smoke’ (2004, French version, translator: Chantal Chen—Andro), ‘Gray Carnival: Chinese Contemporary Art Since 2000’ (Collection of ‘Imaginist’ by Guangxi Normal University Press in 2013, published by ARTCO Journal in 2016)。 The English version poetry anthology ‘The Wild Great Wall’ will be published by Phoneme Media in United States。
